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The problem:

You are tired of feeling stuck, sad, frustrated or bored and are seeking more out of life. You are so ready to burst through what is holding you back so you can finally live the purpose you know is meant for you and maybe smiling with authentic deep joy again would be great too.


You’re not sure where to even begin and it seems as if nothing else has worked before.

You likely have worried…

What if I never heal or am not myself after I heal?
What if big dreams are only meant for other people?
What if this is all life has to offer?

The very thought of these worries bubbles up overwhelm inside and leaves you in heavy confusion.


I have been there too and I am here to help get you to where you want to be, not what you are settling for.

Hi, I’m Mandi

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And I may have the answer for you.

Professionally, I am a trained teacher, speaker and leader holding diverse degrees and for the past two decades have been helping others in all different settings, from various backgrounds, ages, races, religions, (you name it), rise out of the ruins they are in.

Teaching others how to navigate their way out of trauma, pain and loss and transforming it into a meaningful, joyful and purposeful life is what the good stuff is all about for me.

But at one point I didn’t always feel this way.  Avoiding my own pain and trauma and masking it with perfectionism, performance, and endless people-pleasing.  I tied my worth to the outcome because all I wanted was to be loved.  To love myself.  And to love my life. But I didn’t because I was scared to face my fears and hurts. I didn’t see a way out.

And then, as life would have it, I lost everything (read my story here).  

I had to learn firsthand the things I unintentionally naively was teaching to others.  There was a lot of trial and error.  Many days I wanted to give up and doubted things could ever get any better.  I had no idea what I was doing anymore, even though I was trained to know.  I was confused, overwhelmed, and frightened.

All of the research on google, in classrooms or textbooks you learn, can only do so much until you figure out how to apply it in real-time to your own life.

Things slowly got better.  I eventually healed.  I rose out of my own ruins or the ones others left behind for me…multiple times.  I no longer came from a place of thinking I know how this works to actually knowing for myself what works for me.  

Today I am happier. There is an inner peace inside I never knew.  I still have hard times, anger, and sadness like everyone else, but I bounce back quicker than I used to and know wholeheartedly I am here for a greater purpose.

And that possibility is here for you to discover too.

The Solution you seek:

I will be completely transparent with you. This isn’t going to be an easy process. It will push you to your limits, it may make tears fall down your face or anger boil inside. But it will fill your heart with hope again and help you build your new life one step at a time.

Over the past couple decades I have learned core themes that make the process of rising out of turmoil with a tenacious resiliency not only possible, but completely doable.  I combine research based strategies and professional know how with a delicate, loving, expressive and lived experience approach. To be honest, it takes both to get through journey called life and this place is a space to do just that.

If you want freedom from what holds you back and you are ready to try an experience like no other?

Everyone is different, has gone through different experiences and has different learning styles. Isn’t it great when someone just gets you? I believe the best transformational experiences combine not only grasping new information but carefully building on the pillars of

creativity and expression, experiential practices and purposeful integrations.

This variety allows many areas of the brain to create an abundance of new pathways and possibilities to not only help you believe again but finally make it to the other side of healing. All blog posts, guidebooks and courses are designed with these principals in mind with each experience layering onto the process of change. The below courses and discovery experiences are designed to help you do one or all of the following:


Build Resiliency and Courage While Healing

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Turn Your Pain into Purposeful Living and Service


Design Your Legacy and Lead Your Life

Have you played in the many letters, poems, quotes, blog posts yet? Good. Have you explored one of the free guides to see if this is your jam? No? Ok…head here and try it on for size.

If you are like me you may value or hope for the same things deep down

  • life holds a certain magical whimsy to it even though at times it can be cruel and unfair

  • the immense beauty, good and potential in this world is all around us and the option is always available for a better way

  • the knowing that we are all connected in many ways to each other and our world and hold an innate desire to hope

  • that our pain and biggest challenges usually turn out to be the thing that brings the most change and growth to our lives

  • that kindness, compassion, mercy and encouragement get us farther and feel way better than shame, guilt and self-hatred

  • that healing oneself and building unity is not only possible, but one of the only ways we will help one another survive


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Oh good! We ready to begin Then?

If you are SO READY to go deeper, here is a little growing playground of adventure for you to explore.

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Below are the ways to dive into your own experiential learning experience.

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enrollment opens soon. get on the list. be in the know.

the rise: resiliency rewrite $137

Ready to dig in and work through some of the basics holding you back? This workshop style format will be hosted on a virtual education platform. Aimed for you to work at your own pace you will work through some of your deepest pain points, identify where your story has gotten off plot and rewrite a big brand new script.

what you’ll experience:

  • recorded module lessons you can work through at your own pace and repeat

  • all content accessed from a user friendly learning platform that works on all devices, including your phone

  • deep reflection questions and exercises to help you process your past and build your future

  • integrative and experiential challenges to help you practically apply your new knowledge

  • guided meditations, mantras and downloadable resources based on topic themes

  • unique inspiration and encouragement to keep you moving forward

  • additional resources for further exploration and opportunity for a private advisement call for individual guidance

by the end you’ll be able to:

  • identify the root of your hurts and trace the path they may have taken over

  • develop practices that help you move forward instead of harming your beautiful being

  • create a resiliency ritual to help carry you through past triggers and future events

  • have a clear map on your purpose and how to implement the first steps

  • a changed perspective and nohow as to how to turn pain to purpose

  • connect with others in the program to build your tribe of strength

  • craft your new story using real writing tools and live in full confidence you have what it takes to get to where you want to be

  • know how to identify your triggers and coping mechanisms and replace them with loving methods

topics we will cover

  • processing pain, grief, loss, and sorrow both old and new

  • gaining closure, pursuing forgiveness, and finding peace, especially with yourself

  • clarifying where your hope, time and energy could be going and where it should not

  • nourishment for your mind, body, and soul during different events and phases in your life

  • building self-belief, reliance, resilience, and confidence in who you truly are and what magic you are capable of

  • the key to turning your pain into purpose and reframing even the worst of setbacks or circumstances

  • the beautiful burning dream you have inside, your skills and gifts, support tribe, and resources to live your calling

  • leading your own life the way you want and leaving your grace-filled legacy for others to experience if you wish

are you ready to remove the blocks, close those drab dusty old chapters, and rewrite the story better for yourself?

grab your favorite pen love, it’s time to write and rise.


the rise: resiliency intensive

The intensive is just that. This course will run for six weeks and will be released with retention, application and transformation in mind. This is a comprehensive program to inspire, inform and engage you in the 3 major phases of life transformation. We will go deep into holistic healing, hope-filled practices and strategic design and action towards living the life you were meant to live. The intensive is a blend of live sessions as well as self-guided content to dig into.

what you’ll experience:

  • all of the material foundations of the rise: resiliency rewrite

  • the Rise Guide full version with optional access to leader guide

  • course recordings for repeating and going deeper on an easy to use digital learning platform

  • a beautiful culminating virtual celebration with participating members

  • a network of resources for continued healing and living your purpose

  • a community of like minds and hearts working through similar struggles and finding their way out

  • an opportunity to share your story and your transformation process with our community

  • jump start guide into project believe (the virtual ministry) so you can begin letting your calling and legacy be enjoyed by others

  • a personal gift upon completion for a brave experience well done from yours truly with love

by the end you’ll be able to:

  • harness all the objective foundations of the rise: resiliency rewrite as listed above

  • make choices from a place of grace even when you may feel your angriest

  • learn the trick to placing your focus in the right hopes as you progress on your path of change

  • love yourself more than you did yesterday, even if only a bit more

  • use your unique story for the greater good and have an opportunity to apply it in real time

  • stop repeating cycles or impulsively reacting to life and instead respond in a way that is more attuned to you

  • find a place of respite and inner peace that is accessible in nearly any situation

  • build your brave and risk taking confidence so you can bust through irrational fears more often

  • have a personal map of this process and ways to adjust it for your littles or those you love

topics we will cover:

  • visit all of the topics of the rise: resiliency rewrite as listed previously

  • how to gracefully cut toxic people, situations, and habits out of your life for good

  • how to resonate with your truth and honor it in all areas of your life

  • uniquely capture the magic in your life both in small moments and grand ones

  • how to better balance, eliminate or adapt the priorities you are juggling in your life to fit your needs

  • accurately identifying when irrational fear is taking over and how to stop it in it’s tracks while learning how to befriend it

where to go from here:

  • after your resiliency intensive, there will be an opportunity for you to continue on into the next two upcoming rise courses. there will also be resources available if you choose to lead your own group through the same process. it’s a great way to pay it forward and who wouldn’t be honored to be lead by someone who has traveled through some dark wilderness already?

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curious about what else is brewing?

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Upcoming courses in 2022

the rise: purpose and service and the rise: leadership and legacy.

*Due to the current pandemic, retreats, summits and conferences will resume when it is a safe time to do so. Subscribe to the email list for updates on these and new courses to be released throughout the year. Enjoy the virtual content and experiences until then!

Looking for more options? Connect with me.