for the moments you simply need to feel what you feel and remember others understand too

I hope these words help you feel what you need to feel and spark insight on what will help you finally heal
— mandi lynne

Collection of Poems

Explore poetry in areas of pain and loss, love, hope, and even on how to find your free. Each of these poems comes straight from the heart and I hope that you connect with whatever feelings and hopes are sparked. Read or listen to audios of them all here.

Letters to You

It always feels great to get a heartfelt handwritten letter and sometimes I have a lot I want to share with you. Consider these letters reminders of my (and others) love for you and all of humanity. Peace is often sought through the words that are taught. Explore the letters

Quotes for the Soul

Quotes are easy and simple to remember. They tend to stick in our minds and initiate the action that is in our hearts. May these little phrases help propel you to better days. Read these simple reminders.

Recommended Reading

Read on several different topics including creativity, parenting, loss, leadership, and more. There is a wealth of knowledge and heart in these chosen readings and I hope they start a fire under your feet and give you exactly what you need.