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Want to find freedom from your past?

Need help dreaming and believing again?

Want to fulfill your purpose here on earth?

The guides are a combination of hopeful inspiration to build perseverance and resiliency on your journey, mixed with practical exercises to get you from where you are to where you have always dreamed to be.

Ready to dive in?

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Download one or all of the Rise Guide Mini Books. Each free download includes:

  • hope-filled inspiration to keep you moving forward

  • questions and explorations for deep reflection and processing

  • actionable activities to apply your learning now and in the future

  • dedicated play space to create your ‘new’ and imagine the possibilities

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rewrite your story

Healing and moving on through whatever life has dealt you can be tricky. This guide can break this process down into easy steps bringing the courage, confidence and clarity out of you that you have been missing for a long time. We also offer a community of healing through our forum as well as our events and retreats. Free to join, join to find free.

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clarify your purpose

Want more out of life or to fully live your purpose? Moving past stagnation can leave us in a place seeking more fulfillment, purpose and even a new sense of adventure. This guide will walk you through step by step in adding this into your life and may even prompt you to create your own unique change in the world. Go ahead, start your good.

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guide your children

This is perfect if you have kids or if you need to work with your inner child, or both! It takes a whimsical and magical spin on deeper reflections, life lessons and parenting techniques that can be healing and helpful to both your littles and you. Check out the book section for more positive parenting books for kids.


sign up below for your downloadable pdf guide(s)


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each guidebook below is geared to explore specific themes.

get one bundle or indulge in them all. new bundles released periodically.

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courage guidebook

build your everyday brave so you are prepared when the big moments in life arise. go on a journey within to discover where your brave blocks are and create a plan to practically allow your courage to emerge one day at a time.

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nourish guidebook

nourishment is essential for living life to the fullest. learn how to best nurture yourself by filling with practices of self-care and love in the three major areas of life to carry you both through those easy and hard times.

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release guidebook

it’s time to find your wild and free and surrender what is no longer meant to be. explore the adventure of finding your free as we uncover what really is weighing you down and how to release it with love and grace.


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